Covenant Owners Meeting – July 26th

10:30 A. M.  in St. Marie Chapel

The purpose of this meeting was 1) to make the members of the community familiar with the meaning of the Protective Covenants and how they can be used to protect their property and 2) to explain some possible changes that should be adopted.

The meeting was conducted by Ron Frantz.  He started out by emphasizing how  important it is to all owners of property in St. Marie to become knowledgable of the meaning and contents of the Protective Covenants of the Village of St. Marie.  He then covered each item in the 1988 Protective Covenants in great detail and explained the necessity of some possible changes that should be adopted.

You can read the proposed amendments that were explained at the meeting by clicking “Proposed Amendments” at the top of this page.  The proposed additions to the 1988 Protective Covenants are in red and the proposed deletions have a line drawn through them.

There is still time to send us comments on any additions or deletions that you might think appropriate.   Just click “Leave a reply” at the top of the page and leave your suggestions in the box that says “Enter your comment here.”

Thank you!

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